Opening The Browser

Opening The Browser #

This guide shows you how to launch a browser instance after getting an intercepter
instance back from harvester.capture.

Quick Recap #

We’ll be using a ReCaptchaV2 in this example, but you are able to pass any of the
captcha configs and the browser API will work in the exact same way.

from harvester import Harvester, ReCaptchaV2

captcha = ReCaptchaV2(

harvester = Harvester().serveforever()
intercepter = harvester.capture(captcha)

You’ll probaby recognize the code above as being pulled straight from the ReCaptcha V2 Example!

Now lets get to setting up the browser.

browser = intercepter.setup_browser(user_data_dir='ChromeData')

The code above will return a new Browser instance. Keep in mind that calling
setup_browser again will return the same instance it returned the first time.
This might change in the future.

The user_data_dir can be a path to an existing user-data-dir, or it can be to
a folder than doesn’t exist yet, in which case the folder will be created. Make
sure any parent folders have already been created though.

Now we’ll have to get access to a Profile object to actually lauch a window.

A Simple Example #

# check to see if any profiles exist already
if not browser.get_profiles():
    # create a new profile
    profile = browser.new_profile('Foo')
    # this will open a window which allows the user to login to google
    # it will block until the user close the browser, browser, not the window
    # load the profile that should exist after running the code a second time
    profile = browser.get_profile('Foo')

# this will create a window which will connect to the server
# and display captcha's to the user when they are requested
# later in in the code

Loops For The Win #

Using the power of the for loop, we’ll initiate a couple of profiles, log them
into Google, and then open them to start harvesting ReCaptcha v2 tokens.

# check to see if any profiles exist already
existing_profiles = len(browser.get_profiles())
if existing_profiles < 6:
    for i in range(existing_profiles - 6):
        profile = browser.new_profile(f'Foo-{i}')

for profile in browser.get_profiles():

The code above will open at least 6 windows unless more than 6 profiles
already existed before running the code.

Using Proxies #

To setup a proxy all you need to do is:

from harvester import Proxy

proxy = Proxy(

Authenicated Proxies #

To use authenicated proxies, all you need to do is
pass a username and password like:

proxy = Proxy(

Setting The Proxy #

To actually set a proxy in a profile, all you need to do is call

proxy = Proxy(

if not browser.get_profiles():
    profile = browser.new_profile('Foo')
    profile.set_proxy(proxy) # from now on all requests will be proxied
    # set proxy is setup for chaining so you can use it like this too
    profile = browser.get_profile('Foo').set_proxy(proxy)


Finally, we are ready to access the tokens!